

You were talking with us about the salve you make. I, of course, won't buy a product on first whim or offer. You put a sample on my wrist and I rubbed it in .. .. THEN .. .. .. I thought of the dry flaky skin on my forehead that I have battled for five years with creams, lotions and whatever without a lot of luck. So I rubbed the leftover from my fingers on the dry skin area and next morning I couldn't believe my skin. I drove back in to Brandon on Monday and bought some. That stuff is remarkable. Can't wait to try it on something else that needs healing. You were talking with us about the salve you make. I, of course, won't buy a product on first whim or offer. You put a sample on my wrist and I rubbed it in .. .. THEN .. .. .. I thought of the dry flaky skin on my forehead that I have battled for five years with creams, lotions and whatever without a lot of luck. So I rubbed the leftover from my fingers on the dry skin area and next morning I couldn't believe my skin. I drove back in to Brandon on Monday and bought some. That stuff is remarkable. Can't wait to try it on something else that needs healing.