
I miss you from Chuck’s. My family and I use this salve for everything and
use it anywhere we need it. Mouth, Nose, Babies bottoms and skin. Thank you

Continue reading Sheryl


Your salve helped my Mom with a cut on her thumb that got infected. She used your salve and wrapped it until the infection cleared up. It has helped me soothe cuts on my dogs and they love the smell!

Continue reading Traci


Last fall before the time to leave for Florida I noticed an ugly spot on my leg so I went to the doctor. He said he didn’t like the look of it and I needed to see a dermatologist and that might take up to a year to get an appointment. I told my husband that I couldn’t go all winter not knowing what it was…it looked like the pictures of melanoma. I looked at your salve and thought OK let’s try this. I put some on morning and night, that was in the first of October, when we left for Florida the sore was completely healed!
Continue reading Sheila


My daughter had a rough spot on her skin and I suggested she try Louise’s Healing Salve. She grumbled about the likelihood of that doing any good. She’d had it for years. But it disappeared in two days! She was a skeptic and now she is a believer! Thank you!
Continue reading Vanda

Liz in Arlington

My dad’s back itched. It got so bad he was using objects on himself when no one was available to scratch for him. One day I tried my pumpkin salve on him. Besides the fact that he loved having it applied and liked the scent, my mom noticed he wasn’t asking her to scratch his back as much. So we kept using it and his requests for back scratching lessened! Sometimes he would injure his skin scratching it, so lessening the scratching was important. I left my jar of salve with them and ordered more for myself and my Dad. I think even his aide likes it for herself!
Continue reading Liz in Arlington


My husband has had ringworm on his ankle for over a year. He’s tried both MD medicines and natural medicines but nothing worked until Louise’s healing salve. He used the peppermint.
Continue reading Laurie

Bob and Patty

Hi Louise, we met you at Sweetwater market last November and purchased a jar of your original calendula salve. 9 months later, after using it daily (either one or both of us), we are just starting to run low and reordered a large jar. It is wonderful stuff! We use it for many things, including to soothe lips (and I’m a professional trumpet player, so I love good lip care products), take care of itches, and to clear up skin care issues (something like rosacea). I’ve also used it to calm scalp psoriasis. Recently I’ve started using it for a night cream and it works great.
Continue reading Bob and Patty


I put the salve on the beginnings of a hemorrhoid last night, and today everything is 100% better. I love you, Louise!! Honestly, I would be lost without this stuff!!!
Continue reading Michelle